Royalty free and Copyright free Images

Why are images important???

A picture paints a thousand words” is often used in marketing to illustrate the need for good images to sell a product. The best way to sell anything is to give it the space and opportunity to sell itself. A well constructed image showing the product at it’s best,preferably solving whatever problem it’s designed to solve will sell infinitely more than any clever description.

What are Royalty free images???

Royalty Free is a type of license used by stock photography agencies to sell stock images.

This license type grants the buyer a determined set of rights to use the image in multiple ways, for a flat, one-time fee. This means you pay for the license only once, and you can use it forever within the accepted ways, without any further payment obligations.

The most basic concept you must know to work with stock photos is that you are acquiring the right to use a photo in a certain way, not the property of the photo itself. 

The photographer who created the photo is still the owner of the photo. He/she holds the copyright, the official term pointing the ownership of photos, music, paintings, texts, and other intellectual physical or non-physical creations. Retaining copyright is what allows photographers and artists from other disciplines to sell their work multiple times and generate more income. These photos are NOT copyright free or free images at all.

What are Copyright free images???

A copyright-free image is one that is provided by the photographer to be used by any person. However, the owner of the picture or photographer may still own a copyright on a particular photo or image, but simply has provided authorization for the image to be used by others.
This usually does not allow those using the copyright-free image to sell to another party.

Some agencies which provide royalty free and copyright free images are:

  1. Pixabay Pixabay
  2. Shutterstock Shutterstock
  3. Pexels


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