What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is one of the most critical elements of any and all forms of marketing and advertising. Copywriting consists of the words, either written or spoken, marketers use to try to get people to take an action after reading or hearing them.

Copywriting is written to the reader to make them take action. Whether it’s buying a product, following a company’s social media profile or visiting the store, the purpose is to generate action. Copywriting is used for landing pages, direct mail campaigns, sales pages, and infomercials.

Gamify Copywriting To Detach Buyers' Resistance And Win Sales

Why Is Copywriting Important?

In this age of video and podcasts, does Copywriting still matter?

In a word: yes.

Here are some of the benefits that you can get from becoming good at Copywriting:

  • Get higher conversion rates on key pages
  • Improve structure and flow of articles
  • Get more engagement on social media posts
  • Have more people share your content
  • Understand your customer’s needs and wants
  • In other words: Copywriting can improve nearly every element of your marketing.

So if you want to write better copy from scratch, or improve your existing copy, then you should use these Pro Copywriting Strategies:

#1 The Slippery Slide

The number 1 goal of your copy is to keep people reading. In other words, “The sole purpose of the first sentence in an ad is to get you to read the second sentence.”

  • Something that copywriters call a “Slippery Slide”
  • You can create slippery slide copy with “Bucket Brigades”

Slippery slide

#2 The “AIDA” Formula

AIDA is a powerful Copywriting formula that works for:

  • Sales pages
  • Squeeze pages
  • Blog post intros
  • Email newsletters
  • Video scripts
  • And more

The AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Formula - Vizion ...

As you can see, AIDA stands for:

    • Attention
    • Interest
    • Desire
    • Action

    #3 Benefits > Features

    Features are nice.

    But benefits sell.

    For example, let’s say you just launched a new piece of software designed to help people become more productive.

    Here’s how you can turn boring features into tangible benefits:

    Features .vs. Benefits

    #5 Social Proof

    People rely on social proof when they’re not sure what to do next.

    In other words: social proof is important when someone’s deciding whether or not to buy what you sell.

    That’s why pro copywriters PACK their copy with results, case studies and testimonials.

    How Social Proof Can Power Your Marketing Strategies

    #4 Strong CTAs

    A strong call-to-action is the difference between a page that converts… and one that falls flat.

    Seriously. Here’s why your CTA is so important:

    Your prospect is busy. VERY busy.

    Which means they don’t have time to figure out what they’re supposed to do next.

    So tell them exactly what to do.

    Read This: A Call to Action to Drive Traffic from Twitter

    The bottom line is,

    Use strong and clear CTAs whenever you want your prospect to do something. As you just saw, your CTAs don’t have to be fancy. Just tell them what to do.

    #6 Crystal Clear USP

    USP=Unique Selling Proposition.

    In other words, here’s where you answer the question:

    “Why should someone buy from YOU?”.

    • Maybe you’ve got the best prices.
    • Maybe you deliver faster than anyone else.
    • Or maybe you guarantee results.

    shutterstock_427154275 (1)

    Either way, your copy needs to scream your USP at the top of its lungs.

    And if you don’t have a USP?

    Well, you’ve got bigger problems than Copywriting.

    #7 Sense of Urgency

    How do you get customers to buy NOW?


    Here are some easy ways to create a sense of urgency in your copy:

    How Not to Use Scarcity Marketing - Business 2 Community

    • “Limited time offer”
    • “Quantities limited”
    • “Only 47 left”
    • “Sale ends on August 31st”
    • “Doors close on Thursday”
    • “Don’t miss out”

    So now you may understand what is Copywriting and amazing Strategies to implement Copywriting to benefit your business.


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