There are list of different types of SEO audit tools available you need to check which one suits you the best:

  1. SEOptimer: SEOptimer is an audit data that is available in multiple languages and covers everything from on-page SEO factors to usability and accessibility. It prides itself on speed (being able to analyze a site in 30 seconds or less), and allows users to customize and white label reports.
  2. SEO- Detective: SEO- Detective is a free tool that analyzes a site one webpage at a time against more than 20 factors, including Alexa rank, server information, keywords and more.
  3. Up City: It offers an SEO “report card” that covers things like ranking and on-site analysis including links, trust metrics and accessibility.
  4. Is a free tool that is useful for verifying or identifying speed issues. As you can see, these five SEO auditing tools cover many best-practice SEO tactics. After accessing the data, you should make recommended changes where it makes sense for your website.
  5. Google webmaster Tools: Google Webmaster Tools is a great resource that tells you a lot about the on-page, link and technical health of a site. When completing a technical audit I use the information provided in GWMTs to identify crawl errors, review indexed pages, and any structured data errors, sitemap status and any blocked resources amongst a few others.
  6. Reverse IP lookup: This is a good little check to make when you are performing a technical audit. Checking what other domains are on the same IP address helps to identify any potentially ‘spammy’ looking domains you share a server with. There is no guarantee that a spammy site on the same server will cause you any negative effects but there is a chance that Google may associate the sites.
  7. . Screaming Frog: From a technical SEO audit point of view, you can then highlight any areas of the site that could be an issue such as incorrect canonicalization (page and domain level), Meta robots errors, and internal redirects and duplicated pages on different URLs amongst much more. If you aren’t using Screaming Frog for technical SEO audits, then start using it!


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