email marketing campaign

  • An email campaign is a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period of time with one specific purpose, such as download a white paper, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase with a provided coupon. Each email requires a well-written subject line, focused content, and a specific call to action to achieve the campaign’s goal. Email campaigns are often sent through email service providers, like Campaign Monitor.
  • advantage of email marketing campaign

1. Unrivalled return on investment
In the business world, results are arguably all that matters. With this in mind, the main reason that most businesses invest in email marketing is the fantastic return on investment. According to the DMA, the return on investment for email increased from an estimated £30.03 for every £1 spent in 2016 to £32.28 in 2017.

It’s clear to see that email continues to be the most effective marketing channel available to every business. Perhaps it’s time for your business to start making email marketing a priority.

Check out our own email marketing platform and learn how we’re helping thousands of brands deliver big results from email marketing.
2. Instant impact
Due to the immediacy of email, a business can start seeing results within minutes of its emails being sent. A 24-hour sale is a brilliant marketing ploy that can be utilised by email, as it creates a sense of urgency and convinces subscribers to take immediate action. Businesses typically have to wait weeks until they see sales come in as a result of print or broadcast campaigns and, even then, how can they be sure what was responsible for the purchase

3. Reach a global audience
What other marketing platform lets you instantly send a message to thousands of people across the world? Sure, social media can help you spread the word amongst a global audience – but there’s no telling who’s actually reading your content.

Alternatively, you can always get hyper local using one of the other ten benefits – segmentation
4. Easy to share
Subscribers can forward brilliant deals and offers to their friends at the click of a button. There aren’t many other types of marketing that can be shared as easily as this. Before you know it, subscribers could become brand evangelists; focused on introducing your business to a new market.

More and more we see brands cleverly utilising this tactic, and social proof has become a huge influence for online selling in recent years.

5.. Easy to measure
Another key benefit of email marketing is that it’s easy to see where you’re going wrong. Most email marketing software will allow you to track open, click-through and conversion rates, making it simple to spot how a campaign can be improved. These changes can be made almost immediately too, whereas print or broadcast advertising requires quite a bit of effort to alter.
types of email marketing campaign

1) The Welcome Email Series

Congrats, you gained a new subscriber. Imagine for a second you made a new friend or perhaps a new colleague, it’s only polite to introduce yourself. This is exactly what the welcome email series are for. It’s not the most common email campaign, but it’s one of the most effective.

By sending a series—three, four or five—you have the chance to build some familiarity with a new subscriber. You can also educate them on your brand promise when they’re most open to hearing from you.

Here are some examples of things you should have in your welcome series:

Fulfillment and Introduction
Invite them to your social media
Get to know them
– Ask them for their birthday- Ask them about their preferences for email- Ask them how they found you

Taking too long to contact a new email subscriber can lead to higher spam scores simply because your subscribers forgot they actually signed up for your list. On top of that, welcome emails receive higher than average open rates, click-throughs, and generate more revenue.

If you put no other kind of email marketing campaign into action — use this one.

4 important facts to keep in mind when crafting your welcome email

Wow your customers
Showcase your brand
Say thanks
Give them a little gift

2) The Standard Promotional Campaign

This is the most common of the email marketing campaigns and probably the one most familiar to you.

Chances are you have a promotional email from a brand in your inbox right now…or a few dozen. In my experience as a consumer, these are often less strategic or systematic than we’d like to see.

They are kind of like machine-gun fire, showing up in inboxes over and over again with a kind of rat-a-tat-tat repetition that never changes. That’s not what we encourage — think these campaigns through.

Rather than sending 10 different one-off emails promoting your products, what about putting some thought into a campaign that is progressive or unified in some way so one email builds on the previous and leads to the next?

Here are some things that can add spice to your traditional email promotion:

Provoke emotion
Add humor
Leave them curious
Give a free product
Use slogans from popular music
Use color, images and font that grabs attention
Give a free product

3) The Seasonal Campaign

Branching off the promotional email campaign is the seasonal campaign.

On any major holiday, you can most likely launch an email marketing. From Valentine’s Day to less popular campaigns, but still highly effective, on Father’s Day. These types of email marketing campaigns can have a buildup before the event and a follow-up after—meaning you have several opportunities to send an email.

This period’s especially important for retail. According to the National Retail Federation, holiday sales account for 20% of all retail sales. In the US alone, those sales were worth more than $84 billion.

Here are some things to consider when planning your season campaign:

Know the holidays in the country you are promoting. This is a great way to segment your list.
Start early. People are bombarded over the holidays so make sure you’re the first one to reach their inbox.
Make sure the colors as well as the language matches the theme of the holiday.
Give them an exclusive discount for the holiday. This is a critical reason why holiday marketing is effective.
Use urgency. One of the main reasons email marketing works well is that they are for a limited amount of time.

4) The Triggered Email Series

With automated email marketing, you can have a user’s action trigger a series of targeted and relevant emails.

It might be that they clicked on a link in one of the emails in your promotional email series, put items in their cart but then bounced without checking out, downloaded a piece of content, bought something, or responded to a survey. In some way, their behaviour “triggered” the drip campaign they are now entered in.

According to the DMA’s 2013 National Client Email Report, over 75% of email revenue is generated through triggered camp




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