What is MEAN stack and why to choose?

The term “MEAN Stack” stated as a set of collected JavaScript-based technologies used to develop complex websites and web apps(progressive or responsive). In simple words, MEAN, as explained as a full-stack JavaScript framework — which simplifies and accelerates web & application development.

MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular, and Node.JS are a group of technologies that make a combination of MEAN Stack technology in Mobile and Web Applications. In recent time, some of the complex websites & web apps(responsive) are powered by MEAN Stack.
MEAN Stack is one of the fastest growing open source stack development framework assists developer or teams with popular tools or plugins to reduces the time on system administration and it also allows the quicker deployment of web apps, websites and API’s to concentrate on the complex development process of your project.

  1. MongoDB: Document database — used by your back-end application to store its data as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents
  2. Express (sometimes referred to as Express.js): Back-end web application framework running on top of Node.js
  3. Angular (formerly Angular.js, now also known as Angular 2): Front-end web app framework; runs your JavaScript code in the user’s browser, allowing your application UI to be dynamic
  4. Node.JS: JavaScript runtime environment — lets you implement your application back-end in JavaScript

Benefits Of Choosing MEAN Stack:

  • Covers the full web development cycle from front end development (client side) to back end development (server side) using JavaScript.
  • Supports the MVC(Model View Controller) architecture to make the development process flow smoothly.
  • Helps to resist unnecessary grunt work, thus keeping the web application development much organized.
  • The merger of four great technologies, i.e., MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular.JS, and Node.JS.
  • Comes with a pre-built extensive suite of testing tools.
  • Open source in frameworks and backed by good community supports.

What is MERN stack and why to choose?

MERN Stack, a combination of technologies used to craft premium web apps. Web apps are developed using multiple technologies more likely to say frameworks, libraries, databases and more. The MERN stack is a JavaScript stack used for the smooth flow of the development process. MERN consists of different open-source components: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. All the components provide the end-to-end framework support for developers to work in.

The MERN stack is becoming increasingly popular and is a powerful stack to work in. The “MERN stack” refers to the following technologies as follows:

  1. MongoDB: A document-based open source database
  2. Express: A Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
  3. React: A JavaScript front-end library for building user interfaces
  4. Node.js: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js brings JavaScript to the server

The MERN stack is very similar to MEAN stack. The only difference here is that the MEAN stack is making use of Angular to build the front-end web application but in the MERN stack is using React instead.

Benefits Of Choosing MERN Stack:

  • Covers the full web development cycle from front end development (client side) to back end development (server side) using JavaScript.
  • Supports the MVC(Model View Controller) architecture to make the development process flow smoothly.
  • With the JavaScript stack, developers only need to be proficient in JavaScript and JSON.
  • Feasibility of four best technologies, i.e., MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, and NodeJS.
  • Comes with a pre-built extensive suite of testing tools.
  • Open source in frameworks and backed by good community supports.


As best of my knowledge, I concluded all the basics and technical fundamentals of three technology stacks to take into consideration before engaging your project in the wrong direction or hands of the development process. These developers skilled in all aspects of web and software app or product development. In the earlier stage of services, these are the most covered technologies that are trending on the top in 2k20.


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