PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for Personal Home Pages.

PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.

The client computers accessing the PHP scripts require a web browser only.

1 It’s an Open-source Language:

One of the major advantages of the PHP programming language is that it is accessible for free to web developers. It is executed at the server side that means it functions on the web server. Because of the open-source feature, PHP developer can learn about the scripting code in easily through online platforms.

2 It is plain-sailing to use:

Another advantage of PHP is that it is easy to use. Syntax involved in the PHP programming language is quite clear and reliable for developers. It also includes comprehensive documentation of varied functionality that is built-in with the core distributions. Furthermore, it considerably decreases the learning time for both beginners and competent PHP developers. This feature also makes this language well-liked the prototyping technique for developing web-related apps.

3 Upgradation in PHP software is a lot easier:

Because of the effortless decoding of syntax, it is easy to alter the PHP codes. In other words, it is true that PHP web development tasks can be executed in very less time. This characteristic of PHP programming language helps the web developers to transform their websites into advanced apps. An open-source feature of this programming language helps the developers to incorporate new-fangled functions on a constant basis with minimal costing involved. The icing on the cake is that further maintenance in PHP codes can be carried out even by other developers, not necessary by the team which has completed the web development task.

4 PHP resources are obtainable easily:

As PHP language is all the rage these days for web development, there are myriad resources available online as well as offline. The best part is that these resources are obtainable in wide varieties as well as without any charge. The PHP community is quite extensive and you will be able to acquire knowledge from different developers working with PHP language.

5 PHP Web Development is Cost-efficient:

Another reason why the PHP programming language happens to be the first-preference of web developers is that it is available for free. There are no such licensing fees involved for reaping the benefits of a programming language by web developers. The original source code of PHP programming language is available for free and circulated under General Public License. Additionally, the international community eventually helps in making advancements in its functioning. There are numerous PHP-based web solutions, of which, the practical usage is thoroughly tested and this is the reason why there is not much requirement of time and effort for improving the language functionality.


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