Difference Between HTML and CSS

Definition of HTML

HTML is a mark-up language for defining web documents (web pages). HTML expands to Hyper Text Mark-up Language. A mark-up language is a group of mark-up tags which define the page structure. Each HTML tag describes different document content.

Definition of CSS

CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets which permits you to create rules that specify the representation of the HTML elements on a screen. It is an addition to basic HTML that enables styling to your web pages.

CSS saves a lot of work by controlling the layout of several web pages all at one time. CSS styles can be implemented in three distinct ways to your website: inlineinternal and external stylesheets.

Advantages of HTML

  • Simple to use and have loose syntax (although, being too flexible will not abide by with standards).
  • Widely used, established on nearly every website and supported by every browser.
  • It is free as you need not buy any software.
  • Easy to learn and code even to beginners.

Advantages of CSS

  • CSS conserves your time by writing CSS one time and reusing the same sheet in several pages.
  • Pages consume less time for loading due to less the code.
  • CSS has better styles to HTML and a much broader range of attributes.
  • Supports offline browsing with the help of an offline cache.

Disadvantages of HTML

  • As it is a static language, it cannot generate dynamic output.
  • Offers limited security features.

Disadvantages of CSS

Fragmentation – CSS renders different dimensions with each browser. Programmers should consider and test all code across multiple browsers before taking any website, or mobile application live so that no compatibility issues would arise.


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