Content Marketing - Digi1

How content marketing impacts brand awareness?

Strong content allows you to show your customers who your company is and what your brand represents.Brand awareness isn’t just whether your audience knows the name of your brand, but it’s how well they understand the qualities that make your brand unique. In order to create this distinction, your content needs to highlight the qualities that set your brand apart from your competitors.

Share the details about your company that make it clear what sets you apart from others in your industry and show potential customers why they should choose you over your competitors.

For example, consider using a page on your website to describe your company culture and how it’s unique. You could also use a page to outline the ways that your brand differs from others in a similar category, whether it be the different materials or ingredients that you use, or something specific, like the fact that you operate on weekends too.

How to use content marketing to increase brand awareness ?

Increasing brand awareness is challenging, but you can follow these seven steps to use content marketing to achieve your branding goals.

1. Understand your audience

Understanding your audience is the first step in creating any marketing strategy. They’re the people you need to connect with, so all of your content needs to be catered to them.There are a few key questions you should ask about your audience to ensure that you’re writing for them.

Who is your audience?

Your audience is your most important piece of the brand awareness puzzle. Without an audience that wants and needs your product, you wouldn’t have any customers to help your brand awareness grow.

Because of that, you need to consider who you are targeting.

Consider the demographic of your target audience in order to decide how to structure your content and what will appeal to their interests and values.

For example, if your company creates hand-made bouquets for brides, your audience is primarily engaged women. In this case, you would tailor your content to appeal to brides, and show them that you’re committed to providing them with a great experience through your dedication to the industry.

Where does your audience spend time online?

You should also research your audience’s online tendencies.You should spend time identifying the sites and blogs your target audience spends time on and how you can create content that appeals to that audience.

You can also look into the types of content your audience spends the most time with on your existing pages. If you notice that they seem to interact more with pages that include videos rather than images, then make video a part of your brand awareness strategy.

The goal is to connect with your visitors by addressing their needs and wants in a website, and by studying their tendencies online, you’ll have data-driven insight on how to keep them coming back to your website.

2. Create a content strategy

Once you’ve gained a solid understanding of your audience, you’ll need to create a strategy for reaching them.

Focus on your story

One of the best content topics for increasing your brand awareness is your company’s story.You can promote your brand in a way that reflects where you started, how you succeeded, and what you believe, along with your company’s values. Keep these aspects at the forefront of your campaign to give a clear picture of who you are as a company.This can help you connect with your customers on a more personal level and show them who you are, beyond just your products and services.

Choose your channels

Next, you’ll need to choose which types of content you want to use. There are many that can work well, including:

  •  Site pages: When people want to learn about a brand, the first place they look is the “About Us” section of a website. Here, they should also find a page that explains and describes your company culture, including your beliefs and work environment.
  • Blog posts: Blogs are one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site and one of the best channels for content marketing. You can share your knowledge and become a trusted voice in your industry if you post blogs regularly.
  • Downloadable guides: Site visitors love anything free and information is no exception. Advertise a free downloadable guide on the first page of your website or on pages that correspond with what information you’re covering in the guide.
  •  Videos: Videos are another great type of content that will allow potential customers to see what you’re all about as a company. They give them a behind the scenes look at your company and how you function, which makes them feel like they’re part of the family.
  • Webinars: Webinars are becoming increasingly popular simply because you can watch and listen to the information rather than reading it. This is a great content marketing technique that you can even link to in your blogs about similar topics.


3. Use your company’s blog as a tool for brand awareness

There are numerous benefits of writing a company blog, so if you don’t already have one, we highly recommend that you create one as soon as possible. It gives your company a voice in your industry, and can be a valuable tool for building your brand awareness.Here are a few tips to help you build your brand on your company’s blog.

Produce new, unique content

People are always looking for new information. If you post the same information as your competitors, it won’t help you stand out in your industry.

For your potential customers to consider you a unique company, you have to produce one of a kind content.

Granted, we all know it’s difficult to come up with innovative new topics all the time, but the time and effort it takes are worth the results.

Choose topics that your audience is interested in

When choosing new topics for your blog, study what your audience is interested in. For example, if a lot of your Twitter followers have been asking the same question, consider writing a blog about it.

This gives you the chance to show your authority and knowledge on a topic you already know your audience wants to learn about.

You could also write on topics that give your audience an inside look at your company. For example, you could write a piece of content about a behind-the-scenes look at how one of your products is made. Everyone likes an inside scoop!

Look at what your competition is posting

Do a little detective work and see what kind of blogs your competition is posting to see what topics are doing well.

You should never copy content, but you could easily rework general ideas that are helping your competitors connect with customers.

For example, if your top competitor releases a blog every week that utilizes a how-to video, you could consider posting a video or webinar weekly as well.

4. Participate in the community

Customers love purchasing from brands that share their values and give back. If you’re an active member of your community, this can be extremely valuable to your content marketing strategy.

You can use your community involvement to increase brand awareness by highlighting it in your online content in several different formats.

Post photos

One of the best ways to tie your community involvement to your content strategy is to post photos. If you’ve participated in a fundraiser or taken part in a community event, publish the photos on your site and social channels.

Post videos

Videos are another great way to show your community participation. If a few of your employees ran in a charity race, post a behind the scenes look at the action!Videos of your team in action are a great way to highlight your community involvement and show customers that you care about giving back.

5. Send email newsletters

Sending email newsletters is one of the best ways to keep your company at the forefront of customers’ minds.

You can easily inform them with news about your company, tips that help them accomplish their goals, and content like free guides related to your industry.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your email newsletters.

Link to your most recent content

Linking to your recent content is a way to make sure your audience doesn’t miss any of your posts.

If you’re spending time creating new content, you want to be sure your target audience reads it. Otherwise, it can’t help you reach your goals.Link to your recent content in social media or on the homepage of your site to direct your audience to new blogs, articles, webinars or podcasts, just to name a few.

Let your audience know you’re happy to speak with them

You should always engage your potential customers in friendly, personable, and encouraging conversation. If you make your customers feel comfortable about starting a conversation, they’ll be more likely to respond to your emails or take action towards becoming a customer.

To boost conversation with potential customers, encourage them to respond directly to your email with any questions or comments you may have. This lets them know you are open and willing to talk with them.

6.Use social media to promote your content

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are a great way to promote your brand-building content and reach a large audience.

They allow users to share your content with the click of a button, and your brand along with it.Social media platforms are great for content marketing because the information you share with your followers isn’t only available to them but their friends as well. By posting, you’re opening the door for your content to go further than just your audience.

Social media is also a valuable tool because it allows users to share their comments and opinions, which you can respond to in order to form relationships with your potential customers.

7. Analyze your results

Understanding and monitoring your success is one of the most important parts of your plan.

Analyzing the results of your different marketing strategies will allow you to understand which techniques work and which don’t so that you can improve your marketing strategy moving forward.

Google Analytics is a great platform for understanding a ton of data on how your content is doing online.You can see which pieces of content are bringing you the most traffic and through which channels, see maps of where your customers are entering your site from, and even learn what users are clicking on your site.

Use this information to determine which types of content are the most valuable to your goals and take a data-driven approach to selecting new topics.


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