Social media marketing helps you to increase your band awareness. And it is important for companies to reach consumers, and when done correctly, tells those consumers that their brand is active and focused on communication. when we talk about social media, it is not just Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn that play vital, there are many other specialized social networking platforms that are dubbed as digital marketing havens and Instagram marketing is currently one of the most popular social media platforms comprised of over 800 million users to date, 60% which are between the ages of 18 and 29. 

Instagram business marketing is one of the most important social channels now days, and any marketer not yet using it is missing out on something big. Using Instagram marketing idea you can manage the social media of a big corporation, a small business, or you can also promote your own personal brand. 

Instagram is an eye catchy site, full of beautiful visuals and breathe taking pictures. This social app has more than 800 million active users these days. But Instagram is much more than just having the collection of amazing pictures. The app is now part of the digital marketing strategy of a lot of business. Digital marketing is the main component of the mainstream marketing strategies. People now deal with more digital contents. Digital marketing is highly fruitful. Social media marketing is one of the elements and social media is playing a vital role in marketing. 

Why use Instagram for business marketing? 

Instagram is mostly used tool for businesses that rely on the common public to sell off their products and services. In today’s digital age, Branding is highly dependent on visual media such as videos and images as they can be more appealing to the audience than plain text, and they can raise emotions leading to actions. According to study using Instagram for marketing you can increases the chances of interaction with comments and likes by about 40% as compared to the text-only posts.
If you are looking to increase engagement on your Instagram then here are some points that can help you. 

  • Visual content is essential to your marketing strategy 

Having interesting Instagram posts are a crucial piece to the puzzle when you are trying to increase engagement. This is due to the fact that people will follow a page with content that is intriguing in regards to education or entertainment. Whether it is an interesting article or an elaborate info graphic, an Instagram post must be able to catch and captivate people scrolling through their newsfeeds while giving them an incentive to follow. 

  • Popular #Hashtags 

Properly utilizing hashtags on Instagram is very beneficial for your page, as hashtags will not only help you increase your exposure but also increase your engagement. This is due to the fact that your posts will show up on the Instagram explore page more often, but the selective and proper use of hashtags will expand the reach of your posts. Furthermore, it is important that each hashtag is relevant to the given post as well as your business. 

In addition, your hashtags should be related to your niche and industry, as you want to attract users that would be interested in your business. So don’t underestimate the power of hashtags because it will fuel your organic growth! 

  • Fresh Content 

It is an important need to publish new content on regular basis. The photo quality is also a crucial thing to focus on. Try to be creative in posting new content. People get attracted by the new and creative ideas they see. Posting about your product or services on Instagram also helps you increase followers and visitors but try to avoid over-posting and publishing lame things. It has a negative impression on your viewers. 

  • Advertising on Instagram 

Because Instagram has more than 1 billion active users, it’s no wonder why people are taking advantage of the advertising opportunity the platform offers.  

Did you know that  2.2 percent of Instagram users will interact with an ad. This tops all social media networks, with Facebook coming in second at 0.22 percent. Additionally, by 2020, more than $4.5 billion in mobile ad revenue will be generated by Instagram alone. Other social media networks don’t even come close to this. 

  • Instagram reaches new audiences through hashtags 

Instagram makes it exceptionally easy to reach new audiences. 

When you include a hashtag on your post, it creates a link that leads to every post that has been shared with that hashtag. This is why it’s essential to take advantage of hashtags in order to increase your ROI for the platform. 

You don’t want to go overboard (between five to 10 hashtags on a given post is a good rule of thumb), but taking advantage of popular and related hashtags will make your brand easier to discover. 

  • Product posts 

Posts that show off your product or offering were probably the first thought that crossed your mind when introducing your Instagram marketing strategy, and rightfully so. If you’re a B2C brand with an exciting offering, it’s natural to want to show it off to your customers (and, it’s probably what you’re most well-known for). 

When it comes to a product post, creativity is critical. Instagram is littered with these, so it’s essential that you feature your product in an eye-catching environment and take a high-quality picture. 
When it comes to a product post, creativity is critical. Instagram is littered with these, so it’s essential that you feature your product in an eye-catching environment and take a high-quality picture.


  • Influencer Instagram posts 

Instagram is creating a new breed of celebrity: the Instagram influencer. 

These influencers have revolutionized word-of-mouth marketing. Brands often opt to feature industry-relevant influencers in their social media posts to legitimize their brands, reach new audiences, and connect with their existing fans even further. Influencers can also help brands go viral on Instagram through their large, dedicate followers. 

Instagram is an excellent platform on which to connect with various social media influencers and collaborate through Instagram influencer marketing. These social media stars have already built up a following of their own, so these posts typically perform exceedingly well 

  • Instagram video content 

Last, but certainly not least, is any and all video content. 

If you’re a social media marketer, I probably don’t even need to say this (but I will). 

Consumers love video, and Instagram videos garner more than three times the amount of comments than sponsored Instagram photos. 



Ronak Jain · July 3, 2020 at 11:01 pm

It’s Great ?

Harsh · July 4, 2020 at 2:38 pm


Ayush Matlani · July 4, 2020 at 11:19 pm


Dhruv · July 4, 2020 at 11:26 pm


Gunjan · July 5, 2020 at 7:06 am


Tanu · July 5, 2020 at 8:12 am

It’s great!! Good job??

Mahak chawla · July 5, 2020 at 1:34 pm

Nicely explained?

Abhishek · July 5, 2020 at 6:19 pm

Nice explanation..??

Rajneesh jain · July 6, 2020 at 1:20 am

tells awsome platform for marketing.. helped alot!?

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