Royalty-Free  Images

Royalty-Free Images – understand image licensing…

The most basic concept you must know to work with stock photos is that you are acquiring the right to use a photo in a certain way, not the property of the photo itself.

Royaltyfree images aren’t necessarily free. In most cases, you’ll have to pay a one-time fee to obtain the rights to use the image. Then you can use it as many times as you like. The “free” in “royaltyfree” only means that you do not have to pay royalties to the owner of the image every time you use it.

13+ Best royalty-free images website to download – Mageplaza


These are the photography sites that get a lot of attention from web designers. All of them provide stunning photos to users, free of charge

  1. Flickr: Their huge archive contains millions of images that are free of charge or attribution, along with millions of others that require some sort of attribution or fee.
  2. Unsplash: This site is a personal favorite. Their photography is incredible, interesting, and inexpensive.
  3. PixaBay: They’ve got everything from normal photos to clip art. And it all looks dang good.
  4. Freerange: Well-stocked with beautiful stock images. A login is all you need to get started
  5. SplitShire: Nothing like the shire from The Lord of the Rings, except for stunning visuals.
  6. Kaboompics: Tons of high-quality images on a clean, minimalist website. They know what they’re doing.
  7. Pexels: A great library of high-definition images, along with images pulled from other top-notch sites. No attribution required.
  8. Startup Stock Photos: The name says it all. An outlet for startups (and everyone else) to find quality photography for free.
  9. LibreShot: As their motto states, “Beautiful Photos. Totally Free.”
  10. Life of Pix: This “LEEROY” (the ad agency that runs the site) guy certainly has a solid team of photographers



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