Ever thought that when we used to write applications or letters back at school time, we always were worried about the content or matter to write, whether it will be sufficient to get a positive response or will it create a negative image in the reader’s mind.

Well, yes content is something which is a part of almost all formal or informal communications, but it plays a major role in MARKETING.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. It ultimately aims to drive profitable customer action.

The content uses blogs, podcasts, video, and social media sites as a vehicle. It’s a practice now being used by 86% of businesses today. However, effective content marketing is not so easy to find.

Content marketing is an umbrella term covering a set of strategies, techniques, and tactics to fulfill business and customer goals by using the most relevant content to serve, attract, convert, retain, and engage customers.

What can a good Content Marketing give us?

  1. Brand awareness
  2. Lead generation
  3. Engagement
  4. Sales
  5. Lead nurturing
  6. Customer retention and loyalty
  7. Customer evangelism
  8. Up-selling and cross-selling

How to start Content Marketing?

  • At first, you should be very clear with the purpose of yours to choose content marketing, meaning for what purpose have you chosen content marketing.
  • Know everything about your customers i.e. what makes them more eager about you, what kind of media is more engaging or attractive to them, and at the end being aware of what they want to see, how will they react, etc.
  • Now that you are aware of who are your prospects then you need to think upon what kind of content can be served to them and in which suitable format, for it you can either think upon your own or can discuss with other people in business, etc.
  • Then at the end, you need to observe if the kind of content and format of it is able to grab some engagement or not, and basically we need to track the performance of that content and post, if we observe some scope in it then we can go for boosting it else it would be waste of time and resources.

Hope you got a better picture of content marketing and how is it helpful for your business.


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