Email marketing is a way to promote products or services through email. Email marketing is a top digital media channel, and it is important for customers’ acquisition and retention. Send pulse offers it’s email marketing platform with a free plan.

Advantages of email marketing

• Cost- effective –

The costs of email marketing can be much lower than many other forms of marketing. There are no advertising fees, printing or media space costs.

• Permission-based –

your marketing list will be made up of people who have actively chosen to receive email communications from you. Customers who are genuinely interested in your products and/or services are more likely to engage with your business.

• Flexible design –

email marketing can be used to reach large audiences or smaller targeted lists.

• Personalisation and segmentation –

with email you can personalise messages. You can also segment your marketing list, so that your customers receive marketing messages from you that they are interested in – this will help boost their engaged.

Environmentally friendly –

email marketing is better for the environment than direct marketing by postal mail because nothing is printed.

Types of E-mail marketing campaign

These are the nine types of email marketing campaigns your organization should be implementing, but don’t consider this a definitive list – every brand is different so tailor your strategy accordingly.

  1. The Welcome Email Series –

Imagine for a second you made a new friend or perhaps a new colleague, it’s only polite to introduce yourself. This is exactly what the welcome email series are for. It’s not the most common email campaign, but it’s one of the most effective.

  • The Standard Promotional Campaign-

This is the most common of the email marketing campaigns and probably the one most familiar to you.Chances are you have a promotional email from a brand in your inbox right now…or a few dozen. In my experience as a consumer, these are often less strategic or systematic than we’d like to see.

  • The Seasonal Campaign-

Branching off the promotional email campaign is the seasonal campaign.
On any major holiday, you can most likely launch an email marketing. These types of email marketing campaigns can have a build up before the event and a follow-up after—meaning you have several opportunities to send an email.

  • The Triggered Email Series-

you can have a user’s action trigger a series of targeted and relevant emails.It might be that they clicked on a link in one of the emails in your promotional email series, put items in their cart but then bounced without checking out, downloaded a piece of content, bought something, or responded to a survey.t

  • The Post-Purchase Drip- 

I hardly ever see these, and I don’t know why. I think the post-purchase drip is just savvy email marketing!
This is an email series that is sent not to sell necessarily but as a simple follow-up to a purchase.

  • The Connect via Social Campaign-

The social campaign is one that crosses channels from email into social media and potentially back again to email.It an email marketing campaign that seeks to engage people in their newsfeed. You have plenty of options with this one, from Facebook to Instagram.

  • The Newsletter-

Although not technically a “campaign,” because it can go on indefinitely, a newsletter or digest—something that’s a regular communication between you and your list—is just smart email

  • The Re-Engagement Campaign-

The re-engagement campaign is a series of emails sent to inactive subscribers.Email list churn rate is about 25-30% per year. This is normal, people change emails, companies change names – it’s part of the industry. A re-engagement campaign attempts to battle this very fact.

Categories: Uncategorized Posts


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