When it comes to SEO, there are two approaches you can take to increase the search rankings of your website: on- and off-page SEO. The former deals with what you can do on your own site to increase your rankings, while the latter deals with what you can do outside your site to raise your rankings.

In this article we are going to see about off page SEO

Optimizing your site for off-page SEO means you’ll have to improve the way that both users and search engines see your site in terms of credibility, authority, popularity and relevance, just to name a few factors. A broad simplification of this is that other sites on the web will link to your content to essentially promote or vouch for it, which, circling back now, has major benefits for your site’s reputation.

There are many elements in On-page SEO but in Off-page SEO really comes down to one major factor, which is high-quality backlinks to your site. The more of these you can get, the better, but, at the end of the day, it’s really more about quality than quantity because you want backlinks from sites with higher domain-authority ratings.

You can get backlinks to your site in any number of ways:

  • Guest posting or blogging
  • Social-media activity
  • Influencer marketing
  • Simply creating high-quality and shareable content on a regular basis

Guest Posting or Blogging

One of the earliest marketing strategies on the web, blogging stands the test of time by still delivering results today.

Guest blogging, also called “guest posting,” is the act of writing content for another company’s website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their industry in order to:

  • Attract traffic back to their website
  • Boost their domain authority using external links to high-authority domains
  • Increase their brand credibility and awareness, and
  • Build relationships with peers in their industry.

Social media

While it hasn’t been fully proven that social media shares and likes are an off-page SEO factor, there are some compelling reasons to engage in social media marketing as a part of your off-page SEO techniques.

A strong social presence builds authority and reputation. It creates brand fans, spreads your content online, and drives people back to your site. This increases your site traffic and views, which does have a proven correlation to improve SEO.

Make social media marketing a part of your SEO strategy by creating shareable content, adding share buttons to your content, and having active social media pages.

Influencer Marketing

Another way to build your reputation is by using the reputation of others online. Using an influencer marketing strategy, you can form relationships with other influential brands and people and invite them to share your content and promote your brand.

When online influencers share your content or mention your brand, it has the same impact on SEO as other reputation drivers. It sends traffic to your site, increases the mentions of your brand online, and adds authority to your brand.

So as you build your reputation online, don’t do it all on your own. Find strategic partnerships and form mutually beneficial relationships with other influencers who can help you get more exposure from the right audiences.

High-Quality Content

All of the above off-page SEO strategies aren’t going to work in the first place if you don’t have high-quality and shareable content that you create on a regular basis. This is the fundamental cornerstone of your entire strategy. By having this great content in place, you make it easier:

  • To land guest posts on influential websites and blogs
  • For people on social media to share your content
  • For influencers to speak highly of your work and team up with you on content-creation projects







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